Beautiful weddings…

Is my kind of melody. Next year’s wedding season is soon filled with great brides. However, I have a couple of weekends available yet, so if you’ll be the bride next year do not wait too long to book your makeup artist. The best will be fully booked first year after year. I appreciate that many of you books long before the date they should get married, for it helps me to organize and to have structure with all my jobs coming in during the year.

I will next year go further with my education in new technologies and also learn much more about the nails. It will of course also help me in my job as a teacher for aspiring stylists. I had also hoped to get into college in Malmoe and load the pedagogical piece in the teacher profession but I failed in my application. So it will be until next year instead if I still burning for that profession in life. Sometimes I wonder if not the best teachers are those who have experience in the profession and do not care if they have it on paper or not. But certainly it does not hurt to learn as much as possible. Life is about learning for me.

Bröllop Vår-Sommar 2017

Just nu börjar förfrågningarna trilla in inför nästa års bröllops säsong. För att vara säker på att jag är ledig just den datum då NI skall gifta er så var ute i god tid. Jag planerar min sommarsemester redan i December, så jag får ett par veckor med familjen.

Så skall du gifta dig nästa år så var ute i god tid. Ser fram emot att få göra just din dag så där vacker och speciell.